Effects of bovine plasma proteins ( BBP) on heat-induced gel properties of salt-soluble proteins ( SSP) from pork were investigated. 本文以猪后腿肉为原料,研究牛血浆蛋白对盐溶蛋白质加工特性的影响。
Fluorescence labelling method was used seeking differentially expressed plasma proteins of unstable angina blood-stasis syndrome. 应用荧光标记法寻找心绞痛血瘀证血浆差异蛋白,探索心绞痛血瘀证的蛋白质组学特点。
The Change of Plasma Proteins and Organ Function of Rabbits with Firearm Combined Radiation Wound in Hypothermia Environment 低温环境下兔放火器复合伤早期血浆蛋白质及器官功能变化的研究
Results Two dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns of plasma proteins with high-resolution and reproducibility were successfully obtained using DIGE. 结果应用DIGE进行分离后,成功获得了蛋白质组分辨率高、重复性好的双向凝胶电泳图谱;
Correlation analysis between plasma proteins and colloid osmotic pressure in burns and traumatic patients 烧(创)伤病人血浆蛋白与胶体渗透压的相关分析
Effects of temperature on the concentrations of hemoglobin and plasma proteins in lizards 温度对蜥蜴血红蛋白及血浆总蛋白浓度的影响
Results In normal brain, albumin, IgG and IgM were limited in blood vessels. There were no plasma proteins positive neural cells. 结果正常脑组织中,白蛋白、IgG和IgM主要位于血管内,未见血浆蛋白阳性神经细胞。
Methods: The conventional cold-ethanol batch fractionation method of human plasma proteins was converted to the continuous fractionation process. 方法:将传统的人血浆蛋白低温乙醇批处理法改进为连续沉淀分离法,并设计了一套连续沉淀分离装置。
Conclusion: The inhibitory effect of plasma proteins, especially the Fig and FDP, could be one of the main causes of the decrease of secondary PS functional activity after smoke inhalation injury. 结论:血浆蛋白、特别是Fig和FDP的抑制作用可能是烟雾吸入伤后继发性PS功能活性降低的主要原因之一。
The Methods of Determination of Uric Acid, Creatine, Creatinine, Inorganic Phosphorus and Plasma Proteins in Blood 血中尿酸、肌酸、肌酐、无机磷与血浆蛋白的测定法
Routine semen analysis, quantum of seminal plasma proteins and serum FSH concentration were measured twice continuously in 26 normal fertile and 70 infertile men. 本文测定了26例正常生育男性和70例不育男性连续两次精液的常规、精浆总蛋白量和血清FSH浓度。
The body weight, plasma proteins and transferrin levels increased significantly in these patients after finishing EN supports. 输入途径为鼻饲30例,空肠造口48例,经肠瘘口插管10例。EN结束时患者的体重、血浆蛋白、转铁蛋白均较开始时显著增加。
The concentrations of total plasma proteins in both species increased with increasing acclimated temperature. 两种蜥蜴的血浆总蛋白浓度均随驯化温度的升高而增加;
LPS can bind to plasma proteins and form complexes that increase toxic activity of LPS and affinity of LPS to cell receptors. 脂多糖还能绑定到血浆白蛋白形成复合物,增加LPS的毒性以及LPS对膜受体的亲和力。
Human fibrinogen ( Fg), namely coagulation factor I, is not only with the highest protein level in all plasma proteins, but the central protein of coagulation system. 人纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen,Fg)即凝血因子I,是血浆中含量最高的凝血因子,也是凝血系统中的一中心蛋白质。凝血的最后阶段是凝血酶形成,使纤维蛋白原转变为纤维蛋白。
PMS NP/ DNA ( ODN) complexes bound plasma proteins and triggered erythrocyte aggregation. 多聚赖氨酸-硅纳米颗粒/DNA(/ODN)复合物可与小鼠血浆蛋白成分结合,并可引起红细胞聚集。
An Immunohistochemical Study on Changes of Vascular Endothelial Cells and Plasma Proteins in Brainstem Following Cerebral Trauma 脑外伤后脑干组织中血管内皮细胞及血浆蛋白分布改变的免疫组化研究
Studies on Major plasma proteins and Gene Expression in the Bombyx Mori 家蚕(Bombyxmori)主要血浆蛋白质及其基因表达的研究
Study of Two Electrophoresis Procedures of Seminal Plasma Proteins 精浆蛋白质电泳两种分析方法的探讨
The stereoselective binding of praziquantel enantiomers to plasma proteins 吡喹酮对映异构体与血浆蛋白结合的立体选择性
Most drugs can bind with plasma proteins ( serum albumin, α 1-acid glycoprotein and lipoproteins) to form reversible drug-plasma protein complex when drugs are absorbed in the blood. 大多数药物经吸收进入血液循环后会不同程度地与血浆蛋白(主要是白蛋白、α1-酸性糖蛋白和脂蛋白)结合,形成可逆的药物一蛋白复合物。
Except distribution in the intracellular and extracellular space, it might probably bind to plasma proteins. 分布广、除细胞内、外间液外,还可能与血浆蛋白结合;
In SEM study and plasma proteins analyses, increasing hydrophilicity can reduce plasma proteins adsorption and increase ratio of albumin in plasma proteins. 通过扫描电镜的观察和血浆蛋白质的分析,开展了对血浆蛋白吸附的研究。结果表明:增加材料表面的亲水性,有利于减少血浆蛋白的吸附量,增加吸附的总蛋白中白蛋白的比例;
The results of blood compatibility show that: ( 1) heparin can maintain the structures of hemocyte and plasma proteins. 抗凝血生物材料血液相容性研究表明:(1)肝素对维持血细胞及蛋白正常结构的功效显著。
Objective: To analyse clinical feasibility of two electrophoresis procedures of seminal plasma proteins, agarose gel electrophoresis and SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis. 目的:探讨琼脂糖电泳和SDS-琼脂糖电泳分析精浆蛋白质的临床可行性。
The paper showed that hematocrit and plasma proteins were the two main factors in sustaining blood viscosity. 文章指出:HCT和血浆蛋白是维持血液粘度的主要因素,转流中血液稀释明显降低血粘度,深度稀释较中度稀释更显著(P0.001)。
Routine semen analysis quantum of seminal plasma proteins and serum FSH levels in fertile and infertile men 生育与不育男性精液常规、精浆蛋白量和血清FSH水平
The unique interaction of SWNT nonwoven to plasma proteins is of significance to further studies of blood cells responses. SWNT膜对血浆蛋白分子的独特吸附作用有可能对后续的血液细胞响应产生重要影响。
Preconcentration and separation of plasma proteins was realized with an uncoated capillary column, and working conditions were explored. 以血浆蛋白为研究对象,对富集和分离的条件进行了探讨,初步实现了血浆蛋白的浓缩和分离。
Antithrombin and antitrypsin, as the components of human plasma proteins, are widely studied in serpin family members and they all play key roles in blood coagulation and inflammatory responses. 第一个被广泛研究的serpin家族成员是人类血浆蛋白质:抗凝血酶和抗胰蛋白酶,它们分别在血液凝集和炎症反应方面起关键作用。